Valley Fever | Symptoms of the Spreading Fungal Disease in California


Valley Fever | Symptoms of the Spreading Fungal Disease in California

Learn about Valley Fever, its symptoms and how the fungal disease spreads in California. Stay informed to recognize and address this illness effectively.

What is Valley Fever?

Coccidioidomycosis, also known as Valley fever, is a fungal infection of the lungs that occurs when an individual breathes in the fungus Coccidioides from the environment. Additionally, valley fever represents an initial stage of Coccidioides infection. Most individuals are asymptomatic or some experience flu-like symptoms, but in some cases, the infection progresses to serious stages. Moreover, Coccidioides reside in the soil of southwest U.S., Central America, South America, and regions of Washington state. Every year approximately 20,000 individuals suffer from Valley fever. Valley fever is mostly common in Arizona and California. Generally, valley fever is not contagious, but sometimes there are valley fever outbreaks.

What are the Symptoms of Valley Fever?

Valley fever consists of three stages acute coccidioidomycosis, chronic coccidioidomycosis, and disseminated coccidioidomycosis. Let’s discuss their symptoms in detail.

Acute Coccidioidomycosis

The initial stage is usually asymptomatic or has fewer symptoms. The symptoms appear after one to three weeks of exposure. Some symptoms are:

    • Fever.

    • Fatigue.

    • Difficulty breathing.

    • Cough.

    • Headache.

    • Night sweats.

    • Joint pains.

    • Muscle soreness.

    • Chills.

    • Rashes on legs, arms, chest, etc.

How can Valley Fever be treated?

Treatment depends on the patient’s condition. The healthcare provider may recommend keeping an eye on signs and symptoms before medications or they may treat the patient to reduce the risk of complications. Furthermore, certain medications for treating Valley fever include:

    • Amphotericin B.

    • Itraconazole.

In rare circumstances, the healthcare professional may perform surgical procedures to treat severe complications. The surgical procedure may include the removal of damaged lung tissue. Platforms like medicarewell provide valuable resources to create personalized exercise plans for dementia care.








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